About Us


Demonstrating Leadership for Sustainable Management of Plastic Waste

WeCare is a growing consortium of self-motivated businesses focussed on the intent of the PWM Rules, a national platform for stakeholder engagement and Industry voice on EPR and Plastic Circularity

Vision & Mission

Governing Council




Prabhakar Mishra 

Associate Director- Regulatory Affairs, Perfetti Van Melle



Snigdha Mehta

Manager-Regulatory Affairs, Nestlé India



Vinayak Mishra 

Corporate EHS Manager, Dabur India Limited



Antara Kapoor

Manager-Sustainability, PepsiCo India

What We Do




We collaborate with government, Industry, Civil Society and Municipal Corporation for sustainable management of plastic waste



WeCare collaborates with media, consumers particularly the youth on various awareness initiatives on plastic



We promote industry excellence with research and insights on sustainable plastic packaging and waste management

Our Approach

Collective approach to tackle plastic waste

Commitment in meeting EPR obligations

Identify opportunities for partnership

Efficient disposal of used MLP